Tuesday, April 15, 2008

That's one way to sleep!


Anonymous said...
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Liz the Poet said...

You know what I love about you? In the midst of something that could overshadow all other joy, you find little things to smile about (and to share with us to make us smile as well).

Tammie said...

I totally agree with Liz! Also I'm sure you will take sleep in whatever form it comes right now!! Love ya keep hangin' in there!

Amanda said...

I love you guys!
Can you pack up Hayden with a little suitcase and send him for a visit?
I know he doesn't want to be away from you, but ask him to think of my needs!
He's too cute and I miss him already.
We keep you guys in our prayers. P.S. I'm also praying for a bigger apartment for you guys! :)