Friday, August 10, 2007

Beware ladies!

Great News,
Landon is out of surgery and the surgeon said things went well. They fixed some restriction and clamped off the pulmonary artery. he looks great for just being out of surgery. we are now back to the same game of "waiting and seeing." We thank you all for your love, prayers and support.


Tammie said...

Oh it's so nice to be able to see an apdate. My mom recently told me what was going on with Landon. You have been on my mind and in my prayers ever since. And will stay there. He looks lots like his Mom;) Love you sooooo much!


Kelsee Kellogg said...

What a cutie and mom looks terrific. Is that really Hayden in those silly goggles? He is sure growing up. You are all in our prayers. Love, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Blaine and all.