Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Well, here's a shout out to my mom. Ten things I love about her!
1. She is always excited about learning new things. No matter where we go, she wants to share ideas and thoughts
2. She genuinely cares. Honestly, whenever my mom hears a siren in our town, she goes outside to see which way it is going. Then she comments on who it could be. Next she predicts who is working the ambulance.
3. My mo taught me how to love books. Some of you may know I stunk at reading when I was young. because of her not giving up on me, she found something to peak my interest. I still remember reading the Box Car Children and Charlie with her.
4. My mom knows everybody. Well, she usually knows someone who knew someone who she knew wherever we go. Every time it happens it surprises me.
5. My mom goes to church. This may seem like a wierd one. However, she doesn't really have any close friends at church. She is a widow and usually sits alone. She has been critisized in playing the piano, organ and other various things. Truly she is a trooper and goes because she knows the Church is true. Go mom!
6. My mom keeps me informed. Whenever someone dies, my mom calls to let me know. I really do appreciate this--even if I don't always remember them.
7. My mom is young--going to be 69 this year and she doesn't look it, act it and most of the time feel it. She skips around with her kindergarteners like no other.
8. My mom takes care of me. She spent her whole summer taking care of us when Landon was in the hospital. In April she took "sick leave" so she could watch Hayden while were were going through surgery again. Thanks so much mom!
9. My mom thinks my kids are the cutest--enough said.
10. She listens. Seems like whenever I get myself in a situation and need advice, she is there. I think I first noticed this in college. It's wonderful to have a sounding board and she gives great suggestions(most of the time:) I also like that even though I'm married, she still cares and listens to my day and is genuinely concerned about how I am doing. She never steps over the line in putting her nose in our business.
Honorary mention: you wear nylons. Since moving to Cali I just can't bring my self to wear pantyhose.
Thanks mom for the tons of other great qualities you exhibit. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
Feel free to share your favorite mom quality!


AJ said...

So nice. I wish I knew your mom better. I know she did an amazing job because you are amazing. And you are an amazing mom in return. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree...
Love you!

Emily said...

Hooray for your mom! I'll tell you what, I don't know what I would do if she didn't come to church! She is my right hand gal!!!! Definitely a woman worth emulating!!!