Monday, September 1, 2008

A Steal of a Deal

So as many of you know, I am a sucker for deals. I love them. Take me to a good thrift store or a crazy second hand store and I just can't help myself. So I get an email that tells me that I can fill a bag and pay only $7. Seriously folks. Can you be making money on that? Well, I really don't care, I just want the deal. The picture below is what I could fit into one bag. I know I shouldn't be proud of taking other people's money, but I couldn't help it. I only bought two items that were JC Penny brand. The rest were Gap, Children's Place, Guess, Gymboree,(not that it matters) etc. -- High quality items! Twenty one items total--including jackets and coats. Sigh. Another hard day's work done. =)
So what's your weakness???


We're Hatchin' said...

Good Grief!! Maybe I should have had you pick me up a bag! CONGRATS!

Tammie said...

Oh wow Birthday's, Baseball games, and Bargin Shopping! Very cool tell Hayden Happy Late birthday! And great job on the cake by the way!

Love to all of you!

Liz the Poet said...

Way to go!!

I do that same thing at the dollar bins in Michaels...

Amanda said...

My mom and I were at the Friends of the Library sale the other day and fit about 700 books into a $2 bag. My mom didn't bring and empty suitcase with her this time, so she might actually have to leave some things behind to get all her books home.

themayerfamily said...

Your mom could always send her clothes home via media mail_)