Monday, December 7, 2009

Need your help

Hey all, it's that time of year again, and I love it! We are going to attempt to send out our Christmas cards and need your updated address. Everything's going good here. I've been super busy with the Creche festival. It was last weekend, and can I say that I'm glad that it's over. My fingers can finally rest from practicing atleast 1-4 hours a day at the piano. In between that time I got a new calling in the Relief Society--2nd counselor. Then the president left on vacation, the 1st counselor's father had a heart attack, then a stroke. After two weeks they finally sent him home, only to have him airlifted a second time back to the hospital to discover he had had 10 mini strokes. And, we had no secretary. So for roughly 2 1/2 weeks, I was the RS presidency. I can't put a table cloth on straight to save my life--and I don't do fake flowers. What am I going to do? Call a table specialist, that's what! Hayden had the performace of his life at the Creche festival Primary Choir. Let's just say that you could hear him over the whole choir of 80 children. And there were hand motions going on(Stars were Gleaming). I'll try to post some videos of it. I can't tell you how many people have told me that they enjoyed Hayden's performance. He does know all the words. Anywho, Hope all is going well for everyone. Love ya and miss you all


rachelsaysso said...

I am so glad you posted videos because so far Hayden's performance has been the HIGHLIGHT of my holiday season and everyone needs to see this kind of joy.

AJ said...

I sure love you and miss you, girl!

Amanda said...

What can I say?? Too cute. I'm loving it. I love the hand gestures in the second video. Love, love, love it!!

AJ said...

Okay, I just sent you a long email and it said your email address is not working. WHAT UP??? I want to give you my address but want to send a note with it. Please email me your correct email addres????

Wish I had a Hayden to entertain me regularly! He's hillarious.

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