Well, Let's just get it out of the way and say that potty training is about as much fun as riding in a hot air balloon only to discover that you forgot to go to the bathroom before you left the ground. I decided to let Hayden go naked the first day. That worked great except we were land locked inside our house.(We did have a couple of escapes to the mail box--I wonder what the neighbors think) However, there were no accidents. It was really a joyous day. Hayden learned where we keep our stache of M&M's and all was great. Then day two arrived. Before I even got out of bed, Hayden had pooped in his diaper. Well, not big deal--since he had held it all day yesterday, I thought we were bound to have it happen. I didn't scold, just encouraged. I think that's what you're supposed to do. Then, by noon we had had two more accidents and I had a Dr.'s appointment to get to. Let's just say that I took the sissy way out and put on a diaper.
This I did to save myself any humiliation in public. It seems everywhere I go, people are dying to help me. I know I must look a sight. Hayden has learned to hold onto my back to get down from the shopping carts and I have learned that if you don't want Landon to throw up, you constantly hold him. Then, when we go to the Dr.'s office, I have to strap Hayden in the double stroller, just to keep him in one spot. I have learned that candy usually works--unless you're waiting for the GI Dr. and then as soon as he walks in, your son spills skittles all over the floor.:)I could just imagine Hayden having an accident in a Dr.'s office and decided to take the safe route.
Day three--I decide to go back to naked. It was working great. Our morning had just begun. Hayden was playing in the bathroom, right by the toilet, I was getting Landon's feed ready when I hear Hayden yelling for me. He ran out of the bathroom looking scared. I thought he had seen a spider or something. Nope. He had pooped on the bathroom rug and it scared him to death. So I said to myself, "Self, he's just not ready."
Day Four--We wake up, Hayden is playing and then he says, "mommy, I need to go poop." I thought he was joking, however, he was not. Is there any rhyme or reason to potty training? Don't applaud yet. After that, he doesn't want to go potty much, however, he keeps saying that he wants a bike, which is what daddy promised if he would go poop in the potty about a month ago. He has an amazing memory.
Halloween was so much fun for him. When we explained the holliday, he said, "Let's go Halloween, put the candy in the pumpkin!" It totally reminded me of Jerry Seignfeild's story--"Bing-Bong. I'm superman, look at the pants."
As for myself, I am just treading water. We are still having GI issues. Everyone pray that landon will not react to my breastmilk by bleeding. We need him to learn how to eat and he will not drink from a bottle. I am amazed at the little temper he has developed where eating is concerned. He has flat out let me know that he's not interested in a bottle, no matter how I try. We have been off breastmilk for three weeks and are just about to reintroduce it. I believe in miracles, if it's the Lord's will.
Serge is super busy. We're on week seven, I think. Only three or four left to go. He made hayden a toddler's bed. Ofcourse, it duos as a couch. Hayden loves it and even though it's not totally finished, he sleeps in it. We have just some sanding left to do and some design for the back board.
Landon is growing. He is almost holding his head up. He's at least 11 lbs. and that is something. He actually has bum cheeks! We've been waiting so long for this to happen. It's a big deal for him. If only mommy's could give away some of their rear ends, this could've happened a long time ago. He smiles a ton when you talk to him. He really is such a blessing to have in our home.
13 years ago
Oh joy of joys ;) potty training! Pretty much has been the hardest and most frustrating part of parenthood thus far. (Well maybe my 14 month old not sleeping through the night yet. . . Nope potty training was worse;) Curt was by far the easiest I think I had finely learned a few things (I'm a slow learner) Of course he was almost 4 though. I did do the naked thing with him well we put a large t-shirt on him but nothing else. It does sound to me like he probably isn't quite ready yet. But I do not blame you for wanting him trained just changing all the diapers would take most of your day not to mention the expense of diapers. But trying to take it easy and let him guide and not getting upset and letting him wear underware and/or diapers as he sees fit.
Sounds like you are doing much better than I did with my first one. It is so not fun! Wish I was close by i'd come visit and we could find the humor in our frustrations like we always used to!
Love ya bud! You are all in our prayers!
Sara, thanks for the blog update. You are such a remarkable person and a wonderful example to me! I continue to pray for you and yours.
(And, I can't believe that Hayden is old enough to begin the potty training saga.)
Hey Tam,
could you email me some recipies. What's a gal to do? No milk, no soy, no fish, eggs or nuts. No wonder the pounds are falling off. I can't have any butter!
I love the potty training stories! And in a way, glad that I haven't had to endure that! I do love the stories of my niece and nephew though. I'm glad you're all doing so well. I really do need to come visit soon!
Come and join the chaos Laura! You're always welcome.
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