Hayden participated in our ward He did a great job.
Hope you enjoy
AND--We're moving!!!
Yes, it's true. The Mayers have found another place of residence after 5 years. Count them(I have). We're so excited. It's a little bungalow not too far from our place now. It has tons of character and a little more space(about 1100 sq.ft.) So in roughly a month we will be tripling our living space!!! I think we are all excited, but Serge takes the cake. In case you don't know, bungalow is one of his favorite styles. The house was built in 1907, but it's had a few upgrades--like wood floors. We feel very blessed to have found it and that the people who are renting it to us are giving it to us for a steal.
Lastly, I have to give an update on Landon. We have decided to wait a while for his next surgery--probably as long as we can. He is doing great. He's taken to eating lately. Just last night he finished his first jar of baby food EVER! And it only took him two sittings. For Landon, that's huge. He also has discovered he likes juice from a bottle and his favorite are smoothies by daddy and otter pops(banana flavor). He's just so fun right now. Here is a video of him at Easter time. He loves the sound of things-- and Easter eggs are no exception.
13 years ago
I can't believe Hayden stood and sang that whole song for your ward. So cute! I finally figured out that reason CT was refusing to go to Primary Sharing times for three weeks was because he wanted no part of preparing for/performing in the Mother's Day program at church. My boy, unlike yours, is not one for the limelight!
I also can't believe he sang that whole song. Very impressive! And congratulations on the move. That's awesome!
I'm so excited for your move that I'm welling up a little over it. Let me know what I can do to help out. Babysit, pack boxes, throw things away (I'm and expert at throwing other people's stuff away) - I'm there.
And I died for a few seconds over the cuteness of your boys.
Wow way to go Hayden! Oh yippy I bet you are so excited about the house! I love the front porch it looks so charming!! And what a cute giggle that Landon has and hooray for him with the eating!
i'm trying to figure out if the monumental thing mentioned is Landon eating the jar of baby food or moving!!! That was one loaded post, so excited for you guys and I loved the videos!!
Wow! I could not be happier for you. What a beautiful house! I bet you won't even know what to do with all the free space. :) You're magnificent, Sara
Hayden had us all singing along here!! He did such a FANTASTIC job!! Landon ate a WHOLE jar of baby food?!! YIPEE!! Go Landon, Go Landon, Go Landon!!! What stinkin' cute boys you have!!
I am so excited for your move. Did I know you guys when we lived in the house behind that house? I loved living in that back house. I hope you enjoy your new mansion. I'd love to come by and see you in July. We'll see if my schedule allows me to. Miss you. Congrats to Hayden for his bravery and Landon for his hunger:)
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